About drb
The Dublin Review of Books was founded in Spring 2007 as an online journal offering a space for reflection on literature, history, arts, society, politics and culture. It publishes long-form essays and shorter pieces, in both cases usually tied to recently published books.
As a journal of ideas, its ambition is to promote creative thinking and understanding and to provide a home for ideas and insight through reflection on Irish and international themes and their interaction. Over the years we have been pleased to learn there is a substantial audience, in Ireland and internationally, for the work of the drb.
The review is open to all contributors. If the subject is engaging and the writing clear and cogent, we are interested. In general, up to a half of the content can be related to Ireland and Irish questions. Otherwise, we take a strong interest in Europe, its literary and cultural heritage, its turbulent twentieth century history, and its future governance. The drb is published by The Dublin Review of Books Ltd. It is jointly edited by Maurice Earls and Enda O’Doherty.
We can be contacted at [email protected]